New York, You Have My Heart ❤

New York, You Have My Heart ❤

Compared to New York, living in any other city in the U.S is like riding a bike with training wheels. Nothing is as hard, as miserable, but also as rewarding as braving the daily battle of life in The City. 

As soon as you walk out the front door, the assault begins. Fighting for space on the sidewalk, for a seat on the subway, for a spot on the line at ShakeShack. The city constantly humbles you — just when you think you’re having a great day, you get trapped on the train for an hour with someone singing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow“ on endless loop.

But despite all that, New York City is incredibly beautiful and it holds a special place in my heart. If you've been following me on Instagram, you'd know that I've been obsessively carrying Braun Buffel's bags throughout my entire time in NYC. What was meant to be a collaboration, ended up being a love relationship between me and their bags. I never knew that Braun Buffel actually carry a Womens range but when I found out, I was sooolldddd!


Till next time <3